Company Background

Golden Choice Marketing Sdn Bhd (Registration No. 886118-U) is a company specialized in supply food and beverage products and equipment machines since 2001. Golden Choice has become one of the top leading in food and beverage equipment supplier and distributor for the domestic and international markets.


We are the one stop wholesale of food and beverage products as well as the equipment machines in Malaysia. Hence, we will based on our experience to provide a customer consultation on using the equipment and make beverage’s prescription.

Be No 1 F&B Brand in Malaysia, provide high quality products, expertise and professional services, to create a comprehensive F&B entrepreneurial platform.
Hand in hand to lead F&B industry to the worldwide and create a better future.

Your one-stop wholesale food & beverage supplier.

We provide variety of products such as Monin Syrups, Dilmah Tea, Lavazza Coffee Beans, bubble tea powder, toppings, as well as those equipments machine – ice blender, coffee machine, and many more. We supply high product quality, service quality, and reliability food and beverage product in order to meet the entire customer’s requirements.


Be No 1 F&B Brand in Malaysia, provide high quality products, expertise and professional services, to create a comprehensive F&B entrepreneurial platform.


Hand in hand to lead F&B industry to the worldwide and create a better future.


Assists 5000 F&B companies in Malaysia to gain great success within 3 years.


Core Value

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Professionalism
  • Responsibility
  • Integrity

Company Culture

Courageous 勇气

Honesty 诚信

Outstanding 卓越

Innovation 创新

Collaboration 共赢

Enthusiastic 热忱